

Sep 10, 2023

Technical Support Instrument (TSI)

The 2023 Technical Support Instrument Annual Conference officially launched the 2024 round of the Technical Support Instrument, the EU programme that provides tailor-made technical expertise to EU Member States to design and implement reforms. The conference presented the main features of the Technical Support Instrument and defined its priorities for the upcoming year.

The conference discussed the needs for Public Administrations to be fit for the future and adaptable to change. In a context of a constant changing environment, Public Administration play a leading role in building resilience to crises and addressing rapid shifts towards a climate neutral Europe and digital transformations. The conference explored in particular how the Technical Support Instrument can support the Public Administrations in this endeavour.

High-level representatives from the European Commission, Member States (central and local levels) and other institutions shared their experience and perspectives.

Annual conference webpage

The Technical Support Instrument (TSI) is the EU programme that provides tailor-made technical expertise to EU Member States to design and implement reforms.The support is demand driven and does not require co-financing from Member States. It is an important pillar of the EU's initiative to help Member States mitigate the economic and social consequences of the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis.

Smart, sustainable and socially responsible reforms help to strengthen the resilience of our economies and societies. The TSI offers Member States a unique service to help them tackle reform challenges. The support can take the form of, for example, strategic and legal advice, studies, training and expert visits on the ground. It can cover any phase in the reform process. From preparation and design to development and implementation of the reforms.

The technical support is provided in a wide range of policy areas, including but not limited to climate action, digital transition and health. Member States can also request support to prepare, amend, implement and revise their national recovery and resilience plans under the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

By providing on the ground support to overcome reform challenges, the TSI helps Member States to recover from the social and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, to improve the quality of public services and to reinforce sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The TSI is the successor programme of the Structural Reform Support Programme (2017-2020) and builds on its experience in building capacity in Member States. The European Commission's Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) manages the TSI.

starts with a request for support from an EU Member State

is tailor-made to address the country's needs

provides a unique combination of expertise from the European Commission, EU Member States’ national administrations, international organisations and/or the private sector

strengthens the capacity of an EU Member State to carry out reforms

€864 million for the period 2021-2027 (in current prices)

EU Member States can request technical support under the TSI to:

An EU Member State wishing to receive technical support submits a request to the Commission, via a national Coordinating Authority. This request must be submitted by 31 October of each year.

TSI 2023 Call

The Commission analyses the requests received and enters into dialogue with the national Coordinating Authorities to assess the country' specific needs and the options to support the design and implementation of the reforms.

Support may be provided directly through the Commission's in-house expertise or with other providers of technical support:

TAIEX-TSI Peer 2 Peer is an instrument managed in cooperation with the Directorate General for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) to implement part of the TSI of DG REFORM. The instrument allows experts from national administrations to exchange expertise through expert missions, study visits and workshops. The instrument is only available for projects selected under the TSI.

The TSI provides technical support to Member States in a wide range of policy areas. These include:

Today we are glad to present a Technical Support Instrument project aimed at accelerating the access to essential services for persons fleeing Ukraine due to Russia's unprovoked attack, including access to education for Ukrainian children.

There are currently more than 100,000 Ukrainians which have submitted a request of Temporary Protection in Romania through registration. Since July 2022, the Commission has been providing support to the Romanian Inspectorate General for Emergency Situations to accelerate access and improve the delivery of assistance services for persons fleeing Ukraine and ensure their better integration; and to Ministry of Education to speed up and improve access to education and psychosocial support services for Ukrainian children.​

Accelerating access to essential services for displaced Ukrainians in Romania

So far, more than 1500 reform projects have been supported in 27 Member States. These include:

Reform Support website

For more on the TSI:

Directorate General for Structural Reform Support: [email protected]

Financing Decisions and Annual Work Programmes setting out measures needed for the implementation of the TSI Programme.

Financing Decisions and Annual Work Programmes setting out measures needed for the implementation of the Programme.

Monitoring reports on the implementation of the Structural Reform Support Programme.

Report, staff working document and executive summary of the mid-term evaluation of the SRSP.

Technical Support Instrument presented the main features of the Technical Support Instrument and defined its priorities for the upcoming year Public Administrations fit for the future and adaptable to change request for support tailor-made unique combination of expertise strengthens the capacity no co-financing access to essential services access to education 1500 reform projects have been supported in 27 Member States For more on the TSI: